Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Daylight Savings Change!

How bizarre it is! I lost a precious hour in Spring (March 13, 2016). And, I will have an hour repeat itself during fall that an hour repeats itself during spring, and how it gets lost during fall this year...
I am talking about the time change, which is more of a phenomenon in most of the western countries.

So, I wanted to understand the reasoning behind introducing such a time change...Daylight Saving Time (DST) is used to save energy and make better use of daylight. DST normally adds 1 hour to standard time with the purpose of making better use of daylight and conserving energy. This means that the sunrise and sunset are one hour later, on the clock, than the day before.

All of this sounds confusing...Things have changed a lot in last 100+ years; when it was first implemented; and the situations prevailing now. 
  1.  During Spring, it is not a major change...Sunlight is available until late evening (9PM)...However, during Fall, moving 1 hour ahead brings the evening earlier; and it affects motorists, and shopping post work...and lot of activities during evening times. It means consuming more energy during fall time.
  2. This is a costly affair in terms of IT, and Operations to manage this daylight savings change.
  3. Most of the western countries are moving into Global mode; which requires countries to work in tandem with each other. This time change affects the communication pattern across the world.
  4. This makes it confusing within a city and across states/ cities. So, why not keep it simple?
This may be the time for these countries to visit the concept of DST. And, time to make it simple!